OMF Expands Membership to Individual Consultants: Join Us in Shaping the Future of Urban Mobility

September 24, 2024

A New Opportunity for Collaboration at the OMF

The Open Mobility Foundation (OMF) has always been about bringing together public agencies and private sector partners to create digital tools that help cities manage public space for the public good. Today, we’re excited to announce a new chapter in that journey — one that expands our collaborative approach even further.

We’re opening our doors to individual consultants. Yes, you read that right! This move is all about harnessing the diverse expertise that exists out there to make the digital tools we steward even better.

Why individual membership? We recognize that innovation happens when different voices and experiences come together. By opening the OMF to individual members, we’re creating a space for consultants to actively contribute to the development of digital infrastructure tools that will shape the future of urban mobility. Individual members will be able to collaborate alongside our public and private members to co-create smarter, safer, and more sustainable transportation systems and shape the policies and technologies that drive the next generation of transportation solutions.

“The OMF prioritizes scalability and equity, ensuring that the solutions we develop can be implemented widely and benefit all communities. The solutions provided by OMF are practical, where contributions lead to tangible progress for a variety of urban transportation issues.”


– Dora Miketa, Sam Schwartz – TY Lin City Solutions


“OMF gathers together cities, consultants, and technology vendors to advance the state of practice in curb data management. This is a unique forum that is focused on achieving practical, important outcomes with refining the Curb Data Specification and bringing all the puzzle pieces together and learning from each other.”


– David Von Stroh, Cambridge Systematics

If you’re an expert in transportation or tech, you can now join OMF as a member. Individual members are professional consultants who are providing advice and services to help their clients create technology that facilitates digital-savvy approaches to regulation, scalable deployment of new mobility services, and the management of public space for the public good.

“Having worked with OMF in my previous position at the CA State Transportation Agency, I already knew the value of their work. I wanted to be officially involved with OMF in my current position at STV through this membership option because many of our clients are interested in implementing the OMF-developed data specifications in their operations. Being part of the organization provides me with the behind-the-scenes view of new developments as well as the relationships necessary to best serve our clients.”


– Lori Pepper, STV

For our current members, this is good news, too. More voices mean more expertise at the table, a bigger network of contributors, and an even stronger foundation for building the tools cities need in the digital age. This enhanced collaborative environment supports the OMF’s vision for nurturing a competitive ecosystem for mobility services and software tools.

“Being an OMF Member is not just about supporting innovation; it’s about being part of a community dedicated to shaping the future of mobility. As an early member, I have witnessed firsthand the commitment to creating open-source solutions that empower cities and citizens alike.”


– Joe Iacobucci, Sam Schwartz – TY Lin City Solutions

As we continue our mission of making sure public spaces serve the public good, we couldn’t be more excited to welcome new voices into the OMF community. Together, we’re shaping the future of mobility — one that’s safer, more accessible, and more inclusive for everyone.

Learn more about individual membership.

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