Meet the OMF! Upcoming Events

April 22, 2024

Black and white photo of a conference room

Conference season is upon us and the Open Mobility Foundation is getting ready to meet our community in-person, share our work with others in the mobility field, and make new connections.

Come connect with the OMF community and see us at the following events:

SMART Curb Collaborative Convening: April 23-24

Members of our team will be in Seattle this week for the SMART Curb Collaborative in-person convening. This is our first opportunity for the full, 10-city collaborative to make connections with each other, share information about their curb digitization projects and learn about best practices in curb digitization.

CoMotion Miami: May 6-7

We’re excited to present at CoMotion Miami this year! You can find us at these sessions:

Getting Smart about SMART Grants: Monday, May 6 with Em.

Letting the Numbers Lead: Storytelling with Big Data: Tuesday, May 7 with Andrew.

NACTO Designing Cities 2024: May 7-10

We’ll be at NACTO in Miami! Check out the agenda here and let us know if you are also planning to be there. Email Michael, Em, or Andrew to get in touch.

GovTech 4 Impact World Congress: May 21-23

Our Executive Director Andrew Glass Hastings will be presenting at GovTech4Impact in Madrid.

Collaborating to Bring Value with Data: May 22: 17-17:40 / 5-5:40 (UTC+2)

OMF Board Member Gemma Schepers will join Andrew for this session:

Urban Data as Public Infrastructure: May 23: 11:20-12 (UTC+2)

POLIS Leadership Summit: May 30

Andrew will be at the POLIS Leadership Summit in Prague and participating in this discussion:

Panel: Public Space: May 30, 12:00 (UTC+2)

POLIS Political Group Meeting: May 31

Andrew will also be at the POLIS Political Group Meeting in Prague and will present at the following session: 

Using Data to Drive and Deliver on Policy Goals

IPMI Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo: June 9-12

We’ll be at IPMI in Columbus, Ohio. Check out the agenda here and let us know if you are also planning to be there. 

If you’re an OMF member, a prospective member, or just a fan of our work, we’d love to connect with you at these events. Follow us on LinkedIn for more updates. 

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