Designing MDS 2.1: Emergency Response, Crash Info, & Robotaxis

August 1, 2024


After the success and adoption of the Open Mobility Foundation (OMF)’s major Mobility Data Specification (MDS) 2.0 release – which included expansion into other modes of transportation beyond micromobility – the OMF community is focusing on the next release, MDS 2.1.

This minor release includes aggregated feedback brought by the public working group around robotaxis and autonomous vehicles, car share details, real time digital management of public space, and vehicle crash and incident information.

The MDS 2.1 Release Plan includes proposed features like:

  • Clearer support for AV taxis (aka robotaxis)
  • Improved real-time Policy for emergency response
  • Crash and incident information, both historic and real-time, where available
  • More vehicle details and clarity in the Car Share mode
  • Possible air taxi mode support (AAM/UAM)
  • Connections to the curb with CDS


Review the significant open Issues and leave your comments to participate in the development of MDS 2.1. To move these ideas forward, we invite public and private companies to comment, ask questions, offer solutions, and provide detailed drafts of proposed changes to the specification.

GitHub is OMF’s main public collaboration tool. We use it to help determine which features to include in upcoming releases, and how they will be implemented. You can comment on the ideas proposed, and we welcome stakeholders to share their knowledge to guide MDS’s growth forward.

First, create a free GitHub account, then visit ‘Issues’ on the MDS repository. Browse open issues for ones relevant to your work, read and understand them, read others’ comments, and leave your own comments. You can simply express support or concerns, provide examples of how this helps you, thoughts to make the idea better, use cases, your policy needs, and offer suggestions on who else to invite to participate.

Make sure you are signed up for our MDS Working Group mailing list, attend our public meetings, and track progress over the coming months on the MDS 2.1 Release Plan page.

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